Dances With Wolves Class (Week 2)

We had such a lovely class this morning and the moms had a pretty good workout. Dog Yoga is so last year

Group Obedience Class (16th February) – Week 4

Week 4 of our group obedience class and the dogs were introduced to the long down. I think this is the first time I’ve seen Mika in the down position for such a long time. Then the dogs were helped by their family to negotiate the dreaded dogwalk and mini

Dances With Wolves Class

Our new doggy freestyle dance class “Dances With Wolves” starts 9th March 2014. Woo hoo !!!

JDS Class (Week 5)

What perfect timing ! We had our last JDS session yesterday and next Saturday, our teams will be participating in the Jumper’s Competition at the PetExpo Event. To prepare for our trial, we had more challenging runs yesterday. It continued till it got dark and now we are also prepared

Group Obedience (16th February) Week 1

Our new Group Obedience Class started yesterday and I must say the dogs in this class are stinking cute. Here they are going through their confidence building and bonding exercises. Really looking forward to spending my Sunday evenings with them .

Video Of The Week (Jazz, Sunny & Misty)

Our Video Of The Week goes to the small dogs in our class. Every week, even under the blazing heat, they run their little hearts out. Small in stature but big on oomph. Love them to bits

JDS Class (Week 2)

We had another marvellous session yesterday. The teams are doing incredibly well. I’m so proud of all of them

Video Of The Week (Slippers & Ween Sze’s Run)

Our video of the week is Ween Sze and Slipper’s run yesterday. They did a spectacular first run practising all the distance training moves they learnt the past 2 Saturdays. But a jump appeared out of nowhere and tripped them up. They re-did their run and it was a wow

JDS Class – Week 1

A group of beginner, intermediate and competition dogs wanted to continue with their agility lessons so we started a jumpers, distance & sequencing class (JDS) yesterday. We had so much fun. The handlers and the dogs were amazing !!!

My New Newspaper Delivery Boy