Group Obedience (7th July intake) Week 5 – see video

It’s week 5 and I must say that I’m happy w the way the class in progressing. The dogs are a lot better now at controlling their impluses . The e-collar was introduced and the dogs were taught the ever useful “Place” command.

Group Obedience Class (7th July intake) – see video

It was a really hot day yesterday and the dogs were quite pooped by the end of the obedience segment of our training. But when it came to playtime, they were very much alive again . Sweet !!!

Group Obedience (7th July) Week 2 – see video

This week, the dogs were introduced to the heel, down and come commands. Many of the dogs hv done puppy class w me so it was more or less revision for them but w a lot of distractions.

Group Obedience (7th July Intake) Week 1 – see video

A lovely day to start our new group basic obedience class. We covered reading dog body language and what’s good dog-dog play, sit, stand and pack walking. The dogs also had a bit of confidence building fun after the session. I can’t wait till next week

Bruce The Boxer

Meet Bruce, surname Lee. Yup, I may be the only dog trainer in the world who can say that she’s trained Bruce Lee. Haha …