Sunny the Pug wins 3rd Prize in Agility Competition :)

Congratulations Sunny & Irene for winning 3rd prize in today’s Petexpo Jumper’s Challenge. Small dog category. Awesomeness to the max

SKC Agility Trail Winners

So proud of Chris & Taffy, Ween Sze, Duchess & Slippers. They took part in today’s SKC jumper’s competition and brought home a total haul of 1 1st place, 3 2nd places & 3 3rd places. Go team !!!

Hanging out with Ronald :)

Monty – Nparks newest law enforcement officer … “No Fishing Means No Fishing, OK ?” !!!

SKC 51st – 54th Jumpers Trial

Our agility team did us proud yet again. It was a long and very very hot day but they stayed the course and won many prizes. 1. Duchess – Toy Novice 2 1st Placings & a Q 2. Sunny – Toy Novice 1 2nd Placing 3. Slippers – Mini Novice

Bugle’s K-9 day out @ Sisters Island

School holidays. Someone suggested we go for an overseas trip with our doggies. So we chartered a ferry and spent a morning at Sister’s Island. I was so proud of our doggies. They didn’t bark or make a nuisance of themselves, didn’t dirty the ferry terminal or the boat. Angels

Group Obedience Class (16th February) – Week 4

Week 4 of our group obedience class and the dogs were introduced to the long down. I think this is the first time I’ve seen Mika in the down position for such a long time. Then the dogs were helped by their family to negotiate the dreaded dogwalk and mini

Video Of The Week (Jazz, Sunny & Misty)

Our Video Of The Week goes to the small dogs in our class. Every week, even under the blazing heat, they run their little hearts out. Small in stature but big on oomph. Love them to bits

Video Of The Week (Slippers & Ween Sze’s Run)

Our video of the week is Ween Sze and Slipper’s run yesterday. They did a spectacular first run practising all the distance training moves they learnt the past 2 Saturdays. But a jump appeared out of nowhere and tripped them up. They re-did their run and it was a wow

My New Newspaper Delivery Boy