SKC Agility Trail Winners

So proud of Chris & Taffy, Ween Sze, Duchess & Slippers. They took part in today’s SKC jumper’s competition and brought home a total haul of 1 1st place, 3 2nd places & 3 3rd places. Go team !!!

Agility Class (6th July) Week 5

Despite the scorching heat yesterday, the dogs were still registering pretty good times. Looking good, teams

Group Obedience Class (16th Feb 2014) – Week 5

It’s hard to believe that only a month ago, these dogs were dragging their owners around, charging at other dogs and basically doing whatever they felt like doing. It’s week 5 and look at their loose leashes. That’s impulse control in action. Their families have put in a lot of

Dances With Wolves Class (Week 2)

We had such a lovely class this morning and the moms had a pretty good workout. Dog Yoga is so last year

Group Obedience Class (16th February) – Week 4

Week 4 of our group obedience class and the dogs were introduced to the long down. I think this is the first time I’ve seen Mika in the down position for such a long time. Then the dogs were helped by their family to negotiate the dreaded dogwalk and mini

Dances With Wolves Class

Our new doggy freestyle dance class “Dances With Wolves” starts 9th March 2014. Woo hoo !!!

JDS Class (Week 5)

What perfect timing ! We had our last JDS session yesterday and next Saturday, our teams will be participating in the Jumper’s Competition at the PetExpo Event. To prepare for our trial, we had more challenging runs yesterday. It continued till it got dark and now we are also prepared

Video Of The Week (Jazz, Sunny & Misty)

Our Video Of The Week goes to the small dogs in our class. Every week, even under the blazing heat, they run their little hearts out. Small in stature but big on oomph. Love them to bits

Foundation And Groundwork For Dog Agility (12th Oct) – Week 1

Our new Foundation & Groundwork For Dog Agility Class started yesterday. I think the dogs and their handlers did great

Charcoal The Miniature Schnauzer

Charcoal’s first day of BootCamp. He’s leash reactive to dogs. His mom wants him to learn to be calm, walk nicely on the leash and not react when he sees other dogs and young children on their daily walks. He’s learning the “Place” command now and he’s been pretty good