New Group Obedience Class Starting 5th July 2014
Our next Group Basic Obedience Class will start on the 5th July 2014. Sign up if you want to spend 1 1/2 hrs bonding and having fun with your dog on Saturdays from 4.30 – 6 pm. Contact me for details … Tel: 96200280 or .
New Group Obedience Class Starting 16th February 2014
Our new Group Basic Obedience Class will start on the 16th February 2014. Sign up if you want to spend 1 1/2 hrs bonding and having fun with your dog on Sundays from 4.30 – 6 pm. Contact me for details … Tel: 96200280 or
Group Obedience (20th Oct) – Week 3
It’s week 3 and I must say that the class is coming along nicely. I’m particularly impressed w the dogs being able to hold their long sits even when their handlers are running away from them . First lesson on heeling and look at them go. We shld form a
Bruce The Boxer
Meet Bruce, surname Lee. Yup, I may be the only dog trainer in the world who can say that she’s trained Bruce Lee. Haha …
Group Obedience (Week 4) – see video
This week, the doggies socialised with their classmates and their classmates’ parents. This was especially good for the shy dogs. They also did long sits and downs w major distractions. I’m so proud of them
Mochi – E Collar Training (see video)
Mochi did some training around Lim Tai See this morning. It was only 8 in the morning but it was hot . Still Mochi did very well despite the heat.
Group Obedience Class – Week 2 (See video)
The weather on Sunday was lovely. The dogs and their handlers worked really hard learning new commands. They also got to play w the tunnel at the end of class, which the dogs simply loved !!!
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